The Clermont County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Clermont DD) organizes services to Clermont County individuals who participate in Ohio’s waivers and programs. These waivers and programs are designed to allow individuals to live their best lives in their desired, unique ways. We are successful in providing these services because of the collaboration between clients, their families, Clermont DD and state staff, community services, and DODD certified providers.
Waivers and programs provide an array of services, but some that are most common are: assistance with daily living and household chores, offering safe environments, transportation services, and participating in community opportunities.
The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) must certify Individuals and Agencies that provide services to clients participating in the Individual Options Waiver, the Level One Waiver, Self-Empowered Life Funding Waiver, and Shared Living service.
What is a Certified Independent Provider?
An independent provider is a self-employed person who provides services to people with developmental disabilities.
To review the basic requirements for certification, please go to: Become an Independent Provider | Department of Developmental Disabilities (ohio.gov)
What is a Certified Agency or DOO Provider?
A provider agency employs a Director of Operations, or DOO, and at least one other person that directly provides services to people with developmental disabilities.
To review the basic requirements for certification, please go to: Become a Provider Agency or DOO | Department of Developmental Disabilities (ohio.gov)
Join us by becoming a DODD Independent or Agency/DOO Provider to help us continue to offer these beneficial services!
For more information, you may contact the Provider Liaison Colleen Foxton at 513-236-4892 or at cfoxton@clermontdd.org.
Certified Provider Responsibilities
Independent Provider:
- Provide waiver-approved services to your client(s)
- Document services and bill service claims
- Maintain required email, app, and newsletter subscriptions to remain current in industry trends, changes, and information
- Complete annual DODD training
- Cooperate with audits and/or compliance reviews
- Stay current on provider-related DODD and ODM rules, regulations, and codes
- Participate in the UI/MUI process on a quarterly basis and per incident
- Recertify CPR and First Aid certifications every 2 years
- Recertify DODD certification every 3 years
- Revalidate Medicaid certification every 5 years
- Collaborate with clients, their families, CCBDD and state staff, community services, and DODD certified providers to provide optimal care and services
- Consider participating in CCBDD community events and trainings
- NOTE: Additional responsibilities may be required per client needs
Agency/DOO Provider:
- Provide waiver-approved services to your client(s)
- Document services and bill service claims
- Maintain required email, app, and newsletter subscriptions to remain current in industry trends, changes, and information
- Monitor DSPs responsibilities and requirements
- Stay current on provider-related DODD and ODM rules, regulations, and codes
- Collaborate with clients, their families, CCBDD and state staff, community services, and DODD certified providers to provide optimal care and services
- Consider participating in CCBDD community events and trainings
- NOTE: Additional responsibilities may be required per client needs
- NOTE: More responsibilities required. Please contact the County Board for more information
Initial Provider Application Process
If you possess the basic requirements and accept the responsibilities associated with your desired provider type, continue with the initial provider application process.
The Independent Provider process is divided into 10 categories:
- Complete a Background Check (fees will apply)
- Create an OH|ID Account
- Complete Required Training (fees may apply)
- Obtain an NPI
- Set-up Payee ID
- Miscellaneous
- Gather Information and Documents
- Complete and Submit Application (fees may apply)
- Application Review
- Final Approval Letter
View the following document to obtain detailed instructions on each category: Initial Independent Provider Certification
The Agency/DOO Provider process:
- Find instructions here: Become a Provider Agency or DOO | Department of Developmental Disabilities (ohio.gov)
- Detailed instructions coming soon!
Application Review and Final Approval Letter
DODD reviews applications on a first-come, first-served basis. This process may take up to 30 days. DODD will communicate to you through the email you provide them. They will contact you if they need further documentation to process your application.
Once you get your certification letter from DODD via email, contact the Clermont County CSS Administrative Assistant at 513-732-4847 or jdaugherty@clermontdd.org to notify us of your certification. This will grant you access to:
- Clermont County Provider Database (a running list of certified providers)
- Provider Search emails (the current process for matching clients to providers)
- Provider News emails (provides information on continuing education opportunities, guidance with new rules, regulations, information, etc.)
DODD Annual Provider Training
- Annual Training in Non-Licensed Settings | Department of Developmental Disabilities (ohio.gov)
- DODD MyLearning (ohio.gov)
DODD Recertification
- Find information and instructions here: Renewing Provider Certification | Department of Developmental Disabilities (ohio.gov)
- Detailed instructions coming soon!
Need Assistance?
Clermont County Board of DD Provider Support: Colleen Feds at 513-236-4892 or at cfeds@clermontdd.org
Clermont County Board of DD: 513-732-7000
Provider Network Management (PNM)/DODD Support Center: 1-800-617-6733, option 5. Available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed on state holidays.
OH|ID or Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM): 800-686-1516 or ihd@medicaid.ohio.gov
Useful Websites and Apps:
Provider Network Management (PNM)
Supplier ID/OhioPays
eMBS: OH|ID log in à DODD app à Applications Tab à eMBS
DODD App: OH|ID log in à DODD app
EVV/Sandata: Sandata Mobile Connect App for Android and Apple
GT Independence App GT Independence Caregiver App for Android and Apple
Training Opportunities at Clermont DD
Provider Certification, Medication Administration, CPR/First Aid and Other Trainings
The Academy for Direct Support Professionals – (ADSP)
Mid East Ohio Regional Council (MEORC)
CPR/First Aid Only:
American Heart Association
American Red Cross
Talbert House