Dan Ottke, Superintendent, 2040 U.S. Highway 50 Batavia, OH 45103

Phone: 513.732.7000

Early Intervention Services


To make a referral to Ohio Early Intervention:
513-434-3322  OR  1-800-755 GROW.
Electronic Referral:  https://odhgateway.odh.ohio.gov/ochids/public/refer

Not ready to make a referral but have questions about your child’s development?  Use our free online developmental screening tool:  https://www.helpmegrow.org/ASQ


Arley Hammons, Director of Early Childhood Services
(513) 732-5115

Angie Dunaway, Early Intervention Clerk
(513) 732-7026

Mailing Address:
2040 US Highway 50
Batavia, OH 45103

Scroll down for Early Intervention Service Providers.  Resources and additional information are listed below staff contacts.

Early Intervention Service Providers

Sharon Fowler
Speech Language Pathologist
(513) 384-1391

Marla Kizer
Speech Language Pathologist
(513) 214-8742

Layne Nyland
Speech Language Pathologist
(513) 218-7508

Leslie Long
Physical Therapist
(513) 218-4903

Kathy Herriott
Physical Therapist
(513) 214-4276

Robin Lowe
Developmental Specialist
(513) 218-5038

Sharon Antunes
Speech Language Pathologist
(513) 218-8848

Katie Vaught
Occupational Therapist
(513) 239-0990


Heidi King
Occupational Therapist
(513) 214-8547

Katie Mills
Developmental Specialist
(513) 218-6852

Tracy Schaeffer
Developmental Specialist
(513) 218-9155

Lauren Kohler
Occupational Therapist
(513) 773-7691


Early Intervention (EI) Services are provided by Clermont County Developmental Disabilities Services for children under the age of three.  This program follows guidelines and/or rules from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, from Part C of I.D.E.A., as well as rules from the Ohio Department of Health Help Me Grow system.

Once your child is determined eligible for services, our Early Intervention Team will support you and your family. The team includes an Early Intervention Service Coordinators, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, and Developmental Specialists. It may also include, if needed, a specialist in hearing, vision, or early childhood mental health.

One member of the team will be assigned as a Primary Service Provider (PSP). This professional will visit you and your child regularly (virtually or in-person) at home or other community settings. At each visit, your PSP will help to address your questions and priorities related to your child’s development. Together you will find ways to support your child during everyday activities. The PSP will consult other team members as needed, and they may join the PSP on visits with you.

Is my child eligible for services?

An infant or toddler under the age of three is eligible for Early Intervention services from Clermont County DD if he or she has a developmental delay in one of the following areas:


    • self-help skills

    • physical development skills (fine gross and motor skills)

    • communication skills

    • cognitive skills

    • social/emotional development

An infant or toddler may also be eligible if he or she is at risk for developmental delay due to medical issues.

Click on the links below for additional information:

CDC developmental milestones resources:  https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html
Free online developmental screening:  https://www.helpmegrow.org/ASQ