Kathy Booth, Human Resources Coordinator
2040 US Highway 50
Batavia, OH 45103
(513) 732-4891 (office)
(513) 732-7008 (fax)

Gina Hayslip, Human Resources Clerk
(513) 732-4998 (office)
(513) 732-7008 (fax)

The Human Resources Department manages the personnel and payroll functions for the Board: coordinates the recruitment and hiring of employees, screens all final job applicants to ensure they meet the legal requirements for employment with a County Board of DD, maintains the personnel files of all past and present employees, prepares and modifies job descriptions, tracks Agency-required training, certification and/or registration, consults with and provides information to management and employees about benefits and other personnel issues, coordinates insurance and workers’ compensation benefits with the HR department for the Clermont County Board of Commissioners, and responds to queries from outside agencies and companies on personnel and payroll matters.