Robin Cooke
Respite Coordinator
2040 US Highway 50
Batavia, OH 45103
(513) 732-5037
Click here to download our Parent Handbook or here for our 2025 calendar!
Clermont DD has incorporated the Gift of Time Respite Cooperative Program into its many valuable and outreaching programs. The “co-op” is essentially families helping families. Participating families or caregivers become respite members and volunteer their time. This “gift of time” allows members to earn respite points.* Individuals qualified for Clermont DD services and their siblings may attend respite.
Respite events are held twice per month, giving caregivers the opportunity to run errands, grocery shop, or spend time with others in the household.
The GOT Respite Cooperatives is funded through Clermont DD’s yearly fundraisers, as well as through grants, foundations, and other fundraisers. Time is your only expense.
*click here to download the GOT Respite brochure.